The Features, Commands and Functions of UBot Studio 4
Posted by Miriam M-B on 19 September 2011 12:35 PM

Non-Command/Function Features

Captcha Services Accounts: Allows you to choose either manual captcha solving or choose a service from Bypass Captcha, Decaptcher and Death by Captcha

Start up Page in Options Menu: Allows you to start up page for your bot (Dev Editon Only)

Debugger: Allows you to debug your script for editing and troubleshooting purposes

Code View: allows you to write your script in code form(Pro and Dev Editions Only)

Image Recognition: Allows you to choose an item on a page using image recognition (Pro and Dev Editions Only)




Browser Commands:

Navigate: Navigates the browser to a url

Download file: Downloads a file

Close Page:  Closes the current page within a browser

Load html: displays the given html in a browser

Run javascript: Runs javascript code

Save browser image: Saves a screenshot of the current page

Shell: Runs an executable


Action Commands:

Type text: Types text into a browser

Click: Clicks and element within the browser

Change dropdown: Changes the selected item in a drop down

Mouse over: This will mouse over a specified element

Change attribute: changes any attribute on an html element

Change file field: selects a file form a file field

Focus: changes the browser's focus to a specific element

Scrape table: Scrapes an html table element into a UBot table (Pro and Dev Editions Only)

Save element image: saves the image of an element


Flow Commands:

Pause script: Pauses the script. This is generally used for debugging purposes

Stop Script: Stops the script. This is generally used for debugging purposes

Wait: waits for a specified number of seconds

Wait for element: Waits for a specificied element to sppear or dissapear from a page

Wait for browser event: Waits for a browser event to happen, such as a page being loaded

Return: Exits the current command or function and allows custom functions to return a value

Loop: Runs the contained commands a specified amount of times

Loop while: Runs the contains commands while a specified condition is true.

Thread: Runs the contained commands in a spearate threat from the main script allowing multiple commands to run at the same time. (Pro and Dev Editions Only)

If: Runs the contained commands if the condition is true

Then: Use this inside of an if command to specify which command should run if the condition is true

Else if: Use this inside of an if command to specify another condition to check if the last condition was not true

Else: Use this inside of an if command to specify which command should run if the condition is not true

Define: Defines a custom command or function that can be used in the currect bot.

In new browser: Runs all commands inside a separate web browser in separate windows

Divider: Visually divides up pieces of code to help the visual aesthetics of the scripting window


System Commands:

Save to file: Saves text, lists or tables to a file

Rename file: Renames a file

Move file: Moves a file to a specified location

Delete file: Deletes a file

Copy file: Copies a file to a specified location

Rename folder: Renames a specified file

Move folder: Moves a folder to a specified location 

Delete folder: deletes a specified folder

Create folder: creates a new folder at a specified location

Copy folder: Copies a specified folder to a specified location


Data Commands:

Reset account: Resets the account info in the account data function before 

Set: Allows you to store a value in a variable

Increment: Adds 1 to a variable

Decrement: Subtracts 1 from a variable

Add item to list: Adds an item to the end of a list

Add list to list: Adds every item in one list tot he end of the other list

Remove from list: Removes and item from a list at a specified position

Set list postion: sets the position of a list which is used by the next list item functions

Clear list: empties the contents of a list and resets it's position to zero.

Create table from file: Allows you to create a table based on a csv file. 

Set table cell: Allows you to set a specific cel in a table

Add list to table as column: Inserts a list into a table at a specified location as a column

Add list to table as row: Inserts a list into a table at a specified location as a row

Clear table: empties the contents of a table

Email Commands:

Send Email: sends an email using an smtp server

Connect to Mail Server: connects to an email server

Verify emails: Scans your mail box for verification emails and opens the verification links

Create Table From Emails: creates a table using all the emails in your mailbox

Delete Mail: deletes an email from a mailbox at a specified position


Settings Commands:

Clear cookies: Clears all cookies in the browser

Change proxy: Changes the proxy used in the browser

Set user agent: Changes the user agent sent to websites

Set referrer: changes the referrer sent to websites

Set proxy credentials: sets the username and password credentials for the current proxy

Set website credentials: Sets the username and password credentials for HTTP authentication on a website

Set visibility: Determines whether or not the browser shows what it's doing while your bot or script is running (Pro and Dev Editons Only)

Allow images: Determines whether or not the browser loads external images(Pro and Dev Editons Only)

Allow CSS: Determines whether or not the browser loads external CSS (Pro and Dev Editons Only)

Allow javascript: Determines whether or not the browser loads external javascript(Pro and Dev Editons Only)

Allow flash: Determines whether or not the browser loads external flash swf files(Pro and Dev Editons Only)


UI Commands:

UI text box: creates a text box on the UI panel tied to a specific variable.

UI block text: creates a large text box on the UI panel tied to a specific variable.

UI check box: creates a check box on the UI panel tied to a specific variable.

UI open file: creates an open file field on the UI panel tied to a specific variable.

UI save file: creates a save file field on the UI panel tied to a specific variable.

UI drop down: creates a drop down menu on the UI panel tied to a specific variable.

UI list box: creates a list box on the UI panel tied to a specific variable.

UI stat monitor: creates a stat tracker on the UI panel tied to a specific variable.

UI window: creates a menu item under the settings menu that displays the contained UI

UI button: creates a button on the UI Panel that contains the runs the contained commands when clicked.

UI html panel:  allows you to build your own UI with html (Dev Editon Only)

UI splash page: allows you to navigate to a specific url once the bot is loaded(Dev Editon Only)

UI remove branding: removed the "powered by link" on compiled bots(Dev Editon Only)

UI foreground color: changes the foreground color on compiled bots (Dev Editon Only)

UI background color: changes the background color on compiled bots(Dev Editon Only)

UI tab color: changes the tab color on compiled bots(Dev Editon Only)






Qualifier Functions:

Search page: Returns whether or not the specified text is present on the page

Contains: Returns whether or not the specified text contains the search text

Exists: Returns whether or not the specified text exists on the current page

True: Returns True

False: Returns false

Both: Returns true if both conditions are met and true

Either: Returns true if either conditions are met and true

Not: Returns true if the condition is not true

Comparison: Compares two values and returns the results


Math Functions:

Eval: Returns the results of executing a piece of javascript

Rand: Returns a random number between the minimum and maximum values


Account Functions:

Account Data: Returns a piece of Account Data generated by UBot

Email Functions:

Email total messages: Compares two values and returns the results

Email subject: Returns the subject of the email at the specified position

Email recipient: Returns the recipients of the emails at a specified position

Email from: Returns the sender of the email at the specified position

Email date: Returns the date received of the email at a specified position

Email body text: Returns the body text of the email at the specified position

Email body html: Returns the body html of the email at the specified position

Variable Functions:

List total: Returns the total number of items in a list

List position: Returns the position of a specific list item

Random list item: Returns a randomly selected item from a list

Next list item: Returns the list item at the list's current position and increments the list's position (used with the set list position command)

Previous list item: Returns the list item at the list's current position and decrements the list's position 

List item: Returns a list item at a specified position

Read file: Returns the contents of a file

List from file: Returns a list made up of each item within a file.

List from text: Returns a list of items by separating the text into separate items based on a delimiter

Text from list: Returns text based on connecting each list item by a connector

Subtract lists: Returns the first list with al items from the second list removed from it (Pro and Dev Editons Only)

Sort lists: Returns the original list sorted in ascendign or descending order (Pro and Dev Editons Only)

Common list items: Returns a new list containing the common items between the first and second list (Pro and Dev Editons Only)

Table cell: Returns the value of a table cell

Table total rows: Returns the number of rows in a table

Table total columns: Returns the number of columns in a table


Browser Functions:

Solve captcha: The function will either prompt the user to type in a CAPTCHA, or send the CAPTCHA to a service to solve it

Page scrape: Returns the text scraped from the currect page between two specified pieces of text

Scrape attribute: Returns the value of s specified element on a selected element

Element offset: If an element selected matches more than one element on a page, this allows you to return one of those elements

Element parent: Returns the parent of an element

Element child: Returns the child of an element

Element sibling: Returns the sibling of an element


Text Functions:

Spin: Returns a spun version of a given text

New line: Returns a line break

Nothing: Returns an empty value

Replace: Returns the original text with all instances of the search text replaced by the replace text

Replace regular expression: Returns the original text with all instances of the pattern text replaced by the replace text

Change text casing: Returns the text with the casing fo the text changed

Trim:  Returns the text with all leading or trailing blank spaces removed

Substring: Returns the specified part of an original string

Random text: Returns a random alpha numeric string of user define length, including upper and lowercase text.

Pad text: Returns a new string that is padded with a character

Text lenght: Returns the tottal length of text

Insert text:  Returns the original text with another piece of text inserted at a specified position

Find index:  Returns the index of a piece of text with the original text

Append line to text: Returns the original tetx with a new line of text appended at the end of the original text

Find regular expression:  Returns a list fo all matches  of the regular expression in the original text


Document functions:

Url: Returns the current url

Title: Returns the current page title

Meta description: Returns the current meta description 

Meta keywords: Returns the current meta keywords

Document text: Returns the current document text


System Functions:

Confirm: displays a yes/no confirmation box that returns true if yes is chosen

Prompt: Prompts the user to respond and returns the text that was typed into the function

Date: Returns the current date


File Functions:

Special Folder:  Returns the path of a special system folder

Get Files:  Returns the list of all files within a given directory(Pro and Dev Editons Only)

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Help Desk Software by Kayako Resolve
ERROR: Domain does not match license key file domain (, allowed domains:, please change the product path to match the domain under Admin CP > Settings > General Settings
This Product will not work properly unless untill that value is changed.

For more information please contact the kayako support at